Lade Veranstaltungen

We all know about the healing capacities of music. Its effects are even stronger when combined with Mantras that have been sung and chanted by Yogis and Saints over many centuries. We`ll be able to experience this the actual moment we are open to allow the experience.

This Mantra, Ajai Alai, has been received, practiced and given by Guru Gobind Singh and is a part of his Jaap Sahib, a hymn praising the qualities of the divine source of all, the One in all, in all that is, in all life, in nature and all the beings and all their affairs.

Singing and Chanting the mantra Ajai Alai reminds us of  the spark of the soul in each of us that overcomes joy and pain alike, ever transforming and ever constant throughout all changes. The divine light in each of us and in everything that surrounds us, the power alive in us regardless of all the losses, disappointments and traumas of the life we live.

Ajai Alai is a great source of power and stamina, an especially precious gem in times of crisis, whenever we are about to lose hope, live through times of war, suffer from ill health or experience seperation from the ones we love.

“…Whenever you are in mental difficulty or are being threatened in one way or another, chant these words and any animosity against you is going to dissolve right in front of your eyes.” Yogi Bhajan

Join us for the experience on Winter Solstice Day until midnight for a continuous chanting of the mantra. 30 and more musicians from all over the globe will be participating online over Zoom.

If you are a musician and want to participate, sign up for a 30-minute slot. Send us a short note with your name, phone no. (what`s app) and/or email adress to . Thank You. 

We`ll send you a confirmation with all necessary information 1 day ahead of the event.

Much love and looking forward to meditate, chant, play & sing together.

In order to participate on Dec. 21st, click on the Button below: 

Ajai Alai 
Abhai Abai 

Abhoo Ajoo 
Anaas Akaas 

Aganj Abhanj 
Alakkh Abhakkh 

Akaal Dy-aal 
Alekh Abhekh 

Anaam Akaam 
Agaah Adhaah 

Anaathe Pramaathe 
Ajoni Amoni 

Na Raage Na Range 
Na Roope Na Rekhe 

Akarmang Abharmang
Aganje Alekhe

Let there be Peace
Let there be Peace of Mind
Let there be Peace with Mankind
Let there be Peace of the States
Let the World dwell within the Force of Peace

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